1128 Boulder Creek Dr Hayward, CA 94544
https://martinrue.com/my-engineering-axioms/ https://www.initiative-sauberes-trinkwasser.ch/#erklaervideo
Abbas Raza • 1st Organizational Leadership | Product Engineering | Cloud | SaaS | Machine Learning 1d • Edited • 1 day ago
2020 has been a great year of learning. While it upended our lives, it did coax us to learn more. Here are the top 5 titles from the books I read this year.
1. Rise by Patty Azzarello. A book packed with practical advice on rising through your career at whatever stage you are in.
2. The Art of Leadership: Small Things, Done Well by Michael Lopp. I have been a fan of Michael's blog and his previous book 'Managing Humans'. The Art of Leadership provides lessons that will help you create highly productive and highly respected teams.
3. Software Engineering at Google: Lessons Learned from Programming by Winters, Titus. The black box of how things work at Google has been opened up. Practices across engineering are shared with detailed notes. I applied some of the learnings to the Center of Excellence that I founded.
4. Fundamentals of Software Architecture by Mark Richards and Neal Ford. It has a fantastic compilation of architectural characteristics and patterns. Mark's full blown sessions on the topic at UberConf were a great companion to the book.
5. Always Day One by Alex Kantrowitz. The author delves into the culture and processes that keep the tech titans maintain their edge. The anecdotes shared are inspiring.
[ Tue Dec 22 14:23:09 ~/Documents/learning/python3/advent_of_code_2020 ] python3 aoc2020_day9.py starting day #9 (after skipping some days)… ——- not found: 142 829 ——- not found: 294 88085
(1.) after coding day #10
63. 344 jpatino37 64. 320 Mike Bochenek 65. 312 iXmerof 66. 297 Leena
(2.) after coding day #9
60. 482 * bthitman 61. 403 * swierq 62. 389 * Mike Bochenek 63. 352 * Malte Hartwig
3. after coding day #22 - part 1 only!
60. 482 * bthitman 61. 460 * Mike Bochenek 62. 403 * swierq
We (my cofounder and I) have built several startups previously and spent an unnecessary amount of effort on auth. This led us to build an open source alternative to Auth0 and AWS Cognito, that’s called SuperTokens. We’ve spoken to 100s of developers and startups to understand the pain points with current services and we hope you find this useful! Why did we build this? To be able to control our user data and have it stored in our own database. Have certain customisations that other identity providers do not offer We couldn’t afford to pay It took too long to understand the documentation of alternate service providers
https://www.fnlondon.com/articles/credit-suisse-promoted-48-to-managing-director-in-its-investment-bank-here-are-the-names-20201216 http://c0de517e.blogspot.com/2020/12/hallucinations-re-rendering-of.html
————Wednesday 16.12.2020————–
https://adventofcode.com/2020/leaderboard/private/view/214990 27) 1622 Billy Ersoy 46) 1049 Astrid Stollberger 76) 89 @mike_bochenek
what, my learning folder has 4 forks?? @mikebochenek mikebochenek / learning @cryptobuks1 cryptobuks1 / learning @gpawar gpawar / learning @spartoitsarsky spartoitsarsky / learning @vjkrishna87 vjkrishna87 / learning
github vs. gitlab??? definitively using github for “learning” and other existing projects more.. https://github.com/mikebochenek/learning/tree/master/python3 exists, but nothing like that is there on gitlab
————Tuesday 15.12.2020————–
books read += 2600 exchange rate: 1 Swiss Franc equals 117.09 Japanese Yen Dec 15, 12:57 UTC advent of code: https://adventofcode.com/2020/day/1
remove xcode, atom, or garage band clean mvn cache
mvn mvn -X [DEBUG] Using local repository at /Users/mike/.m2/repository
https://www.linkedin.com/company/dextra-rechtsschutz-ag/ https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/457369/full-time-back-end-developer-for-ar-cloud-platform-pretia-technologies-inc
https://stackoverflow.com/jobs/445030/sr-software-engineer-consumer-finance-retail-paidy Sr. Software Engineer - Consumer Finance (Retail Bank/Credit Card) Paidy – Tokyo, Japan ¥7000k - 12000k On-site and limited remote Visa sponsor Paid relocation
http://credit-suisse.zoom.us/j/98771078842 https://credit-suisse.zoom.us/j/98771078842?pwd=VENHZGxrSUJjcGJRVGNpSVZ0TEdHdz09
This is the private leaderboard of Simona Achim for Advent of Code 2020. You can use a different [Ordering], manage your [Private Leaderboards], use an [API], or switch to another [Event].
There are several different ordering methods available:
[Local Score], which awards users on this leaderboard points much like the global leaderboard. If you add or remove users, the points will be recalculated, and the order can change. For N users, the first user to get each star gets N points, the second gets N-1, and the last gets 1. This is the default. [Global Score], which uses scores from the global leaderboard. Ties are broken by the user's local score. [Stars], which uses the number of stars the user has. Ties are broken by the time the most recent star was acquired. This used to be the default. Gold indicates the user got both stars for that day, silver means just the first star, and gray means none.
Because of an outage during the day 1 puzzle unlock, day 1 is worth no points.
as of December 22nd…