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While only a fraction of my code can be shared publicly, there are some cool projects (idone, vantaa, learning, and college) that you can browse at your leisure

view GitHub code

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I have been fortunate in meeting many smart people from all over the world. I have 500+ connections and even a few recommendations.

admire my LinkedIn profile »

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Not always politically correct and not always related to technology, this is a place where I rant

idolize my tweets »

My CV (my resume)

In html format, and in pdf format

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University of Guelph 2001 Computing and Information Science

I have completed my Bachelor of Arts in Computing and Information Science with a minor in Mathematics.

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Never stop learning coursera, certifications, etc.

I've completed the Oracle Certified Master JEE 5 Enterprise Architect in 2012. On Coursera, I have completed Functional Programming Principles in Scala, Introduction to Genomic Technologies, and The Data Scientist’s Toolbox. On edX, I have completed Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark.

Side Projects

real artists ship!

  • - Get travel advice from locals and real travellers (co-founder)
  • - Dish Discovery App with Machine Learning Recommendations (co-founder)
  • Android memory game - very basic.. (solo)
  • idone - Track and showcase your daily accomplishments. Stop making depressing todos lists, instead celebrate your accomplishments! (solo)
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