Here comes another batch of earth shattering ideas from September 2016.

Digital Detox App

  • An app that tracks and reports each time you unlock your phone, and helps you reduce your addiction by providing meaningful reports
  • Maybe it could be offered together Swiss hut digital detox (a week long retreat where you have to give up your phone and internet access)

Payments Over Chat Using Blockchain

  • A Lync or jabber or Skype integration that let’s you transfer payments easily over blockchain - maybe together with organizational change to focus on productivity
  • basically a blockchain based payment/rewards system for companies to motivate their employees

Business Ideas Instead of Product Ideas

  • Business concept which starts with a payment for solving a problem, not with a product (or worse technology)
  • Maybe I have been doing it all backwards (certainly seems like it when you explain it to non-techies)

SSH Tunneling Made Easy

  • On demand ssh tunneling for people who wanna browse Facebook behind corporate firewalls
  • You could even allow users to enable/disable via an App or web based admin GUI

Lego Camps

  • Lego camps for kids locally (similar to chess camp)
  • People here have money, and would not mind investing it in worthwhile education for their children

Drone Garbage Pickup

  • Use Robotics for something that absolutely noone would want to do
  • Surely this has been attempted before

Mini Integrations

  • Ask Swiss web shops, if they want me to integrate square into their online shop, to process credit card payments
  • Ask anyone or any web store which has limited payment options (i.e. BrickLink)

Kids Publishing For Parents

  • What if I published the book that Luke dictated to me?
  • What if other parents wanted to easily publish things like that?

Free Antolin Checker App

  • You are in a bookstore or library and you’d like to quickly check if that book is available on Antolin
  • It would be fun to do, and could be good marketing for Switzerland

Apache Spark Study Guide

  • Write apache spark study guide for free MIT book
  • It would be a great learning experience

Performance Testing

  • A GAE hosted application which does performance testing
  • Similar to what Selenium is offering, but different somehow

Push Motivational Quotes

  • Push list of motivational quotes into an android app with push notifications daily
  • Something like that would be very annoying, but then again, the self-improvement market is HUGE