BigData and Data Science is all the hype these days. I had played around with Apache Spark before and read a few books. I wanted to see how quickly I could read data from MySQL and try some (highly advanced) operations on the resulting data.
scala code
import org.apache.spark. { SparkConf , SparkContext }
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
object RDDRelationMySQL {
def main ( args : Array [ String ]) {
val startTS = System . currentTimeMillis
val url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/presto?user=prestouser&password=password"
val sparkConf = new SparkConf (). setAppName ( "RDDRelation" ). setMaster ( "local" )
val sc = new SparkContext ( sparkConf )
val sqlContext = new SQLContext ( sc )
// Importing the SQL context gives access to all the SQL functions and implicit conversions.
import sqlContext.implicits._
val restaurants = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "restaurant" )
val dishes = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "dish" )
val users = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "user" )
val friends = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "friend" )
val tags = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "tag" )
val likes = sqlContext . jdbc ( url , "activity_log" ). filter ( "activity_type = 11" )
println ( "restaurants RDD size: " + restaurants . collectAsList (). size ())
println ( "dish RDD size: " + dishes . collectAsList (). size ())
println ( "users RDD size: " + users . collectAsList (). size ())
println ( "friends RDD size: " + friends . collectAsList (). size ())
println ( "tags RDD size: " + tags . collectAsList (). size ())
println ( "likes RDD size: " + likes . collectAsList (). size ())
likes . foreach { x => println ( x ) }
println ( "done in: " + ( System . currentTimeMillis - startTS ))
sc . stop ()
<project xmlns = "" xmlns:xsi= ""
xsi:schemaLocation= "" >
<source > 1.8</source>
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